As the vibrant hues of autumn replace the summer palette and long sleeves become a common sight, it's evident that fall has gracefully descended upon us. With this seasonal transition, it's the perfect moment to embark on our customary Fall Checklist. Even the smallest of tasks can yield significant benefits when winter arrives, so let's kickstart the winterization process!

Walk around your home to make sure all the windows are closed tightly and locked to prevent any air leaks.
Leave your window blinds open as much as possible - keep them open at least an inch or two at the bottom. This allows the air to reach the glass; also helping to reduce condensation.
Set your furnace fan to "on" or "circulate." This will circulate air throughout your home and help to eliminate condensation on your windows as the outside temperature drops.
Change your furnace filter frequently to allow for maximum airflow and minimum dust circulation throughout your home.
If you have casement windows, remove and store your screens during the months your furnace is operating. By removing the screens, air will have an easier time reaching the glass, which will reduce condensation.
Check the thresholds of all exterior doors to make sure you can't see daylight between the door and the threshold.
Take a look at your garage door; the weather-stripping should fit tightly to the floor to prevent any air from blowing in or under it.
While the snow is hopefully still weeks away away, it is a lot easier to winterize your pipes now! Inspect all of your pipes and make sure they are all insulated.
Clean your gutters out. Winter is not the time to be on your roof, and when the snow and ice melt, you'll be happy it all has a clean gutter to run into.
Give your deck a good inspection. If it has never been treated, pressure-wash the entire deck and then apply a water sealer or protectant.
Even the smallest of tasks can yield significant benefits when winter arrives, so let's kickstart the winterization process! And remember, our relationship doesn't end at closing day, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about your Fall Checklist.
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